Sunday, August 10, 2008

You know you are getting old when...

Recently I have noticed a few things that are making me feel, well OLD. Here is my list of how you know you are getting old:

1. Although you are not a morning person you wake up early and can't get back into a real sleep even though you used to be able to sleep at any time, in anyplace with out any problems.

2. You go to Lagoon and all you can think about while you are on the rides is all the things that could go wrong. And once you get off the rides all you can think about is what new part of your body is sore.

3. Every time you talk to your kids you swear you hear your mother.

4. Your third kid gets away with way more than your first two ever did. And surprisingly the world didn't come crashing down around you.

5. You finally get to the point when having a clean house isn't the most important thing on your to-do-list. And you realize that a few toys on the ground doesn't make you a bad person or a bad mother...imagine that.

6. You let your husband go golfing without complaint...ok minimal complaint I'm not that old, I still have kids at home!

7. You can forgive yourself and others more easily.

8. You realize when you are being a brat or unfair and you try to fix it.

9. You try to give people the benefit of the doubt.

10. You recognize your blessings and know that you truly do have a wonderful life.


Crystal said...

So True! I am feeling really old these days. I don't know what happened to the carefree 20's. Getting old is nice and kind of scary.

Just me said...

Are you saying hearing me is a good thing? Oh I thought so. besides I refuse to be old so you can not be old. Just more mature.
I do want to say I told you so, about getting more passive with your kids as you get old. Just look at your brother and sister.

Shannon said...

I like the comment about just being more mature. We really aren't getting older, just more mature. Sounds good to me.

Crystal said...

I just had to add. You know you are old when after a weekend of eating crap and drinking soda, all you want is fruits, vegetables and water. I thought I would always want to eat junk food.

Amy said...

I totally agreed with all your comments. I usually feel like I'm getting more mature too....except at girl's camp!

Shannon said...

I wanted to add one that I experienced this morning...You know you are getting old when you wake up and look in the mirror and you have bags and dark circles under your eyes. Very attractive!!!

Nicole said...

I love all those comments, I agree with everyone! I am turning 33 this month and wishing that didn't sound soo old to me!!