Wednesday, August 20, 2008

An ode to Mr.Destructo and his side kick Captain Mischeif

Who is this Mr. Destructo and and his side kick Captain Mischief? Well he is actually the same person as well as a visitor that is living in our home. We are not sure how long his stay will last, but he will not let his presence be over looked. He is very short and says only a few words. He mostly communicates in grunts, points and the occasional emotional outburst of screams. He gets into everything that is not locked and climbs on top of everything that is climbable. He rips paper and chews on anything he can fit in his mouth. He is messy when he eats and never cleans up after he is finished. He leaves a trail of match box cars wherever he goes. Why would we let such a visitor remain, well he also adorable. He is sweet and intelligent. He is a great snuggler (when he stops moving). He has the greatest laugh and the most interesting facial expressions, you can always tell just what he is thinking even though his words are few. And although his extended visit was a surprise he seems to have us all wrapped around is tiny destructo finger. When he is not going by his super hero name he is more commonly known as Van. And we wouldn't have him any other way. We love our Mr. Destructo!


Amy said...

We have one of those living in our house too. His morning snuggle makes it all worth it!

Crystal said...

I think I have one of those too, except his name is Terror. They are so fun and sweet at this age, but also very messy and emotional. It is sad and nice that they grow so fast.