Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A call for help

Most of you probably already know this about me but I am not the best cook. Not that I am inept just lazy. With everything I do obsess about somehow cooking and nutrition slipped through. The point? I am starting to feel bad about it. I feel like I should be better for the sake of my kids. I realized recently that we are still eating like students. Now we are not "rolling in it" by any means but we can definitely afford to eat better than starving students. But it is so much easier to open up a can or a box and and call it good (before you think me too horrid, I do cook real meals occasionally) . So why am I telling all of you this knowing full well that most of you are great cooks and do give thought to the nutritional value of the meals you are serving? Well that is kind of the point, I need help. I need ideas and recipes that are easy, nutritional and that picky kids will actually eat. Keep in mind that if the ingredients list is more than 5 ingredients long I tend to glass over. If you have anything that might help bring it on!


Becky said...

There is a website www.allrecipes.com check it out there are millions of recipes from tons of people. You can look up recipes a couple of different ways! I love it, and you can always save the recipes you like and when you get a ton saved you can pay to have them make you a cookbook with all those recipes. Check it out! Good Luck.

Crystal said...

There is a couple of blogs I really like. http://dinner-inspiration.blogspot.com/ and http://www.ourbestbites.com/ Sadly although I really like to cook and wish I was better, I don't do well with out a recipe. I also have a hard time getting out of my rut. We tend to eat the same things every month. Feeding a family is hard work.

Claudia said...

Joshua was raised on what he calls "crack and dump" cuisine - crack open a can or box, dump it together, stir and bake. Because of that, we don't eat much of any thing that comes in a box, can, or could be considered a casserole. My favorite website is www.epicurious.com. You can search by ingredient or by other keyword - I think you can even search for the "5 ingredients or fewer" recipes.
Here's a super-easy, picky-kid pleaser:
Spaghetti ala Carbonara
4 eggs
1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese (try to get the real stuff, use Kraft if you have to)
1/2 pound of bacon, cut in small pieces
1 pound spaghetti
salt and pepper to taste

Beat eggs very well, add grated parmesan and mix. Set aside.
Cook spaghetti in salted water. Drain spaghetti. In same pot, cook bacon until crispy. Add spaghetti to bacon and stir. Add egg and cheese mixture to bacon and spaghetti and stir for about 1 minute more (until the eggs are cooked).
Serve with green salad.
Also, spend the $10 and get a subscription to a good cooking magazine - try "Gourmet". Even looking at recipes of good food will inspire you to try something new and delicious once in a while.
I also have a delicious 5-ingredient recipe for lamb and polenta lasagna if you are interested!

The Younger Case's said...

Get french bread and make a big sandwich. A little meat other fixins and don't forget the avacado. Your family should enjoy that with some chips and punch.

Marsh Mayhem said...

Ooh!! Ooh!! Call me ... we'll swap recipes and do that photoshoot with Clara! I used to be inept now, now I'm addicted to cooking! I blame the Food Network ... beware ...

Kristin said...

Our new favorite recipe is Swiss Chicken. It's really good and it's really easy, too.

Place chicken in casserole dish

Place siwss cheese on top of chicken (1-2 pieces per chicken

Cover with a can of cream of chicken soup

Top with stuffing mix (some people pour it on dry, but I cook the stuffing first and then put it on top. Also, depending on how big of a pan you use, you may need 2 boxes of stuffing.)

Bake for about 40 minutes at 400 degrees

Shannon said...

I am terrible about meals. By the time I get home from work all I want is someone else to do the cooking. Some days I will stop by the store before I pick up the boys and buy a rotisserie chicken, fresh broccoli, and a loaf of french bread. My boys love to eat the chicken legs and the "little trees" It's one of the easiest meals to prepare. :)

Amy said...

One of my latest favorites that is so easy is to throw chicken breasts in the crock pot with salsa and brown sugar. At the end of the day, you can make chicken salad or chicken tacos. Yummy!