Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Meet Hazel

We are so excited to have another new niece, Hazel May Case. It's official I am no longer the soul baby maker for The Neiswenders or The Cases! You don't know how exciting this is for me. Anyway back to baby Hazel. She is adorable and tiny. She only weighed 6 lbs 11 oz and was 18 1/2 inches long. She still has that newborn smell and was so sweet and quiet I think I heard her cry once in 2 days and that is with my, very loud, family around. I only wish they lived closer. Now we have 2 nieces and they are both in different states. Apparently our siblings missed the memo that said once you have kids you have to move back to Utah. Oh well. Here are a few, ok a lot of (unedited) pics from our trip.

I think this is my favorite picture of Hazel. Isn't she adorable!
The next one is pretty cute too.

You know me I love baby feet.

This is Kirk, Heather and Hazel in front of the Rexberg, Idaho Temple, which is actually right behind their beautiful new church building.

This is just a funny picture of Van...it is so him, I love it!

This is my parents with all of their grand kids, they were so happy to have everyone together. And no Van is not floating behind everyone, Ben is crouched down holding him up because he wouldn't let anyone else hold him.

This is my cousin Jason and his cute pregnant wife, Deanna.

This is just cute I love this pic.

My parents.

So there is this really cool place in Idaho called Yellowstone Bear World. You drive through an actual bear habitat. It was so awesome, and if you know our kids at all you know that they all love Bears so this was a pretty amazing experience for them.

This bear tore of the front license plate of this car. It was coming toward ours but one of the workers shooed it away. We found out later this car was a rental.

After you drive though you can go into the petting zoo and amusement park areas. They had a big area fenced off that was full of bear cubs. They were so cute.

One of the rides.

If you made it through all of those pictures just be grateful I didn't post all 356 pictures (I am serious). It was a great trip and I am glad that we made it.


Shannon said...

I love the picture of the baby feet. Baby feet are the best! Thanks for reminding me about Bear World. I remember driving through there as a kid. I will have to add it to our vacation destinations. Very cool thing to do with the family! Glad you had a nice trip.

Amy said...

It looks like your trip was so much fun! I loved the pickle picture of Van.

Crystal said...

Looks like so much fun. I love being with family. Love the pictures you took to capture the moment.

Kristin said...

Congrats on the new niece! She is such a cutie! I love all the pics....it looks like you guys had a great trip.

Joe said...

i love the bear one.