Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Only a matter of time

It happened, I wasn't sure if it would but it did. It happened with the other two and now it is Van's turn...he likes T.V. and is asking for a certain show. Joseph's favorite was Toy Story (we watched that movie everyday for 2 years). Lillie just loved anything, she still does, I am so glad she is in school so I don't have to say no to T.V. all day long.

Van's favorite? Well it is Mickey Mouse Club House. A twist on a classic. I am so glad it is something that I can actually stand having on. When Joseph was a baby I decided that I would only let him and now the other two watch things that I could watch with them and that was appropriate of course. So that automatically eliminated Barney, Teletubbies and now wonder pets...oh how I hate baby talk. Why, oh why would you make a show for kids that encourages baby talk? Sorry that is something that all of the a fore mentioned shows have in common. Anyway my kids have of course see all of these shows despite my efforts...I have learned it is ok to leave the room, and as annoying as many of these shows are they are better than so much of the crap that is out there for kids.

So back to the point Van asked for something this morning. At first I thought he was asking me to sing "bringing home a baby bumble bee" his favorite song. But no that was not it, so after some clever mommy detective work (asking everything I could think of and then waiting for a clue, in this case a point to the T.V.) I figured out that he wanted to watch Mickey Mouse Club House. As much as I hate just sitting him down in front of the T.V. it is nice to know that it is an option for entertainment when needed. Like all new moms I promised myself never to use T.V. as a babysitter...oh how naive I was. Sometimes T.V. is a great it gave me time for this awesome post!


Marsh Mayhem said...

I'm listening to Mickey Mouse Clubhhouse in teh background as I read this!

Shannon said...

We all have good intentions when we become moms and then reality hits and t.v. is introduced. I won't tell you what Dresden's favorite show was...okay, it was Spongebob.

Amy said...

I have a love/hate relationship with the t.v. It is a good entertainer and can even be educational. I just have to tell myself...all things in moderation. It definitely has its place.

Kristin said...

The TV can be a GREAT help for those stressful moments. It has stopped many tantrums at our house. Caden is obsessed with movies and watches at least 3 or 4 a day and usually it's the same one over and over and over again. I also had good intentions when I had Kenz to never let my kids watch too much TV......hahaha.....I was so young then and had so much to learn about being a mother. That picture of Van is adorable!