Friday, September 4, 2009

Have you heard?

I am not going to lie to you. I am not a huge political junkie. But I like to be informed and I do*wait for it* have opinions. So this is one of those times when I just have to speak up. As I blog hopped this afternoon, you know the usual fluffy craft and food blogs, I stumbled upon a blog post about President Obama's speech in the schools on Sept.8. Apparently there is an uproar by some that has lead to -get this- a boycott of school that day. Seriously? SERIOUSLY?!? I know that we do not all have the same political opinions but when did it become a) optional to attend school b)Ok to be so disrespectful of our elected leaders and c) just plain paranoid?

What could the president possibly say, in a mere 20 minutes, that would be so damaging? Are people that insecure in their parenting that a speech from the president would undermine all of their efforts to teach their children what ever it is they teach them (in this case I would guess intolerance, Maybe?) This type of reaction does teach our children some lessons; sadly I am afraid it will be the wrong lessons.

The Presidents speech is supposed to focus on the importance of staying in school, working hard and making goals...OH THE HORROR OF IT ALL!!!

Lest this sound like a democratic rant I think this type of behavior on either side is ridiculous. I have no doubt that some on the left would be acting just as unsavory if the tables were turned. No matter what our political affiliation we should respect each other. Whether a republican president or a democratic president he, or hopefully at some point she (a post all it's own), has every right to talk to the citizens of this nation. Last time I checked that included kids.

Hopefully no one reading this blog is actually considering taking their kids out of school for that day, but if you are please rethink the message you will be sending. It is one of intolerance and paranoia...not lessons I would want my children to learn.

So how do you feel about it? Leave me a comment, I really want to know.


James N said...

Way to go Terrie, Lauren and I totally agree with and support your post. We elected our president to lead the country and that's what he's trying to do.

Becky said...

What is this life for than that to be perfect even as our Savior in Heaven is perfect? Right? God is no respector of person and so therefore we should do the same. It is "Our" Resposibility to teach that to our children! I am in total agreance with you on this one, thank you for speaking your mind!

The Younger Case's said...

I am glad that you are open to peoples ideas. I don't really see a problem with someone not taking their kids to school on a day when even the president is speaking. I do not see any reason why not to take them out of school "if" I disagreed very strongly with the ideas or ideologies of the speaker. i.e. sex education, religion, personal beliefs. A side note i don't believe Obama himself would bring up anything really controversial at a public school. Just a side note I did not elect Obama. My guy lost. -Kirk

Claudia said...

I am shocked that anyone would consider taking their kids out of school. Boycott? Really? I have to say, there are many policies that I don't like coming out of Washington right now, but he is the president, and we need to show our support - even when we disagree.

Wayne and Ann Cowley said...

Hmmmm. Interesting! Having been a teacher for 30 years, I value education. If a parent sees a need to remove their child from what they feel could be a dangerous or harmful situation at school, I support them. But that support comes with a couple conditions. Keep them home and then further their education by discussing the situation that precipitated the removal. Help them see what is going on and encourage them to read more about it and discuss it more. Then turn the rest of the day into math study, reading, library research or whatnot, avoiding the holiday concept of "a day off from school". We kept our kids home usually during earlier sex ed classes, but we then did our own at home. We kept our kids home for other things that were not politically correct from our viewpoint.... but then there was teaching that took place at home that covered the item at hand.
Remember, the teacher is not always right and neither is the president. Keeping a child out of school to further their education from the safety of a gospel perspective is always good in my book.
Dad Cowley (The one that is always right!)

Rhonda N said...

Great blog Terrie- I agree with what you said. Too often we see people now using their children as a tool to express their political support for one party or the other or to try and make some dramatic point. And, as you said the side effects or ramifications messages to the children are significant and negative.
Very Insightful, thanks.
Hope you are all having fun at Lagoon. Hope we can get together on Monday, we'll talk on Sunday,

Just me said...

I am sure that you were wondering what the rest of the family(Cases) were thinking. Well I actully think that Wayne has a good insight on the school.
If you keep your children home, hopefully you will have the insight to make this a good converstion and teaching opportinity. I do have a problem when as parents are not asked for our permission. We have right to, teach our children our values not the worlds. I believe that the address should have been adressed to families. I am not taking my child out of School, I will however be talking to her about what she understands and thinks about the speach. As for the respect aspect, Respect is earned and should no be expected because of posistion. That being said it's nice to hear your oppinion and you are my farorite writer!

Treasure said...

Terrie, great blog!!

Troy & Emily said...

Terrie, thank you so much for starting this conversation. My opinion: I think that the parents should teach their children to respect the President of the United States. And follow him as long as he stands for what the people want and not for what he and the special interest groups want-that is our responsibility as parents. What is very scary to me is when people follow someone without knowing much about what they believe or what their goals are. When the government starts pushing things on the American people, we have the right (and especially as parents) to be leery and to question and listen to what the President wants to say. I believe the speech will have a great deal to do with good things like doing well in school. But there is a concern in some of the VERY structured before and after "lesson plans" (which can be found: about how important it is to be a servant to the President. This would not be a problem if the values that he and his group of advisors have supported what the people want and not their own agendas. If you want to look into more about what I've found and what President Benson said 40 years ago, check my blog out: ( I think it's very important recently to find out what is going on in politics NO MATTER what party. Again, thank you for being a very good mom, and I'm sure that you have taught your children to be able to choose right from wrong and there is nothing to be concerned about. You are AWESOME! I have alot to learn from you!