Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Yesterday in the spirit of getting things done I wanted to get as much of my house clean between the time the kids left for school and the time I go for a walk with friends. This is about an hour and 20 minutes; if spent well, quite a lot can be accomplished. So I set off, cleaning up breakfast, sweeping and mopping the kitchen, dusting, general cleaning up and finally vacuuming. I finished just in time to get ready to go for my walk. I had just a few minutes left and decided to vacuum the stairs so I had one less thing to do when I got home. So I pull out the attachment to do the stairs and instinctively check the suction with my hand...NO Suction. I had just spent the morning vacuuming with a vacuum that sucks, but in all the wrong ways! Ugh, sometimes I wonder why I even bother.


Shannon said...

Wahoo...It's nice to know I'm not the only one that has done that!

Crystal said...

I am sorry. That is so funny though. Sucks to do all that work and not even clean anything.

Amy said...

That is funny. I vacuumed for like a year without the brush turning - it was jammed. It's the thought that counts.