Saturday, June 21, 2008


I hope this isn't too boring, here it goes least these are slightly different questions.

3 Joys:

1. Being a mom. I know that sounds like a cliche', but it is true. Some days are hard, but I can't think of anything I would rather do or anything that is more rewarding.

2. Doing something well. I love the feeling of knowing I did a good job. It is totally superficial and has no eternal consequence, but I also love the praise. That is so embarrassing.

3. Date nights with Ben. I love having full conversations that aren't peppered with "just a minute, I am talking to your dad; stop doing that; please be nice to each other; do you need to go to the bathroom"...the list goes on , but I am sure you get the idea. We can talk about anything and do anything together, I love being married to my best friend.

3 Fears:

1. Having someone think badly about my kids. I know kids are kids, but I have this irrational worry that someone will think my kids are bad or are doing something wrong.

2. Someone thinking or hinting that I am a bad mom, until recently I thought that was all in my head too. But once someone implies you are a bad mother it is something that sticks with you.

3. Having Ben or one of my kids die. Ever since we got married I have felt like Ben would die before me. Every once in a while I will feel really panicky about it and worry about every minute he is not with me.

3 Current obsessions/collections
I am obsessive by nature so this will be a short version of a very long list.

1. My photography website. Actually not having a photography website. I spend way too much time looking for the right web hosting and templates and features it needs to have and on and on. I could write a lot more about this but I won't it is too boring for normal people.

2. Photography in general. I don't spend enough time actually shooting...I'm too busy with 3 kids home all day. But I think about it constantly.

3. Cleanliness/State of my house. I can spend all day cleaning and I feel like I am never done, there is always a million more things that need to be done. I actually have to tell myself to let things go for a day if I am going somewhere or need to do something else, otherwise I will spend all day cleaning and never leave my house.

3 Random/Surprising facts about myself:

1. I can turn my eye lids inside out.

2. I laugh at my own jokes, sometimes I can't get through the punch line because I am already laughing too hard.

3. I love hosting parties or activities. Although planning and executing parties can be very stressful I love the planning, shopping and decorating involved.

I tag Shannon C. Becky E. Kristin S & Emily G. Have fun!


Shannon said...

Because I seem to miss all the Book Club get-togethers I don't feel like I know the ladies in the ward very well. I love reading these blog entries and getting to know more about you.

Crystal said...

I wish I could keep my house as clean as you do. It is just too over whelming. I just need a maid, I am too lazy to be the maid my self. Love reading all about you.