The morning spring break started Ben came into our room and said something to the effect of "Why don't we go to Disney Land for spring break?" I was still basically asleep and it took me a minute to realize he was serious. Keep in mind this is something we had not talked about at all. After a few minutes of disbelief I realized he had already had a rough plan. So I reluctantly got up from what was supposed to be the first of a few days of sleeping in. Needless to say a few hours later we were on our way to Disney Land. Yes we planned a whole trip to Disney Land in a matter of hours. Obviously 2 days of driving there and 1 day back is not the most pleasant situation with 3 kids. But over all the drive wasn't bad, yes there was some whining, a lot of are we there yets and a throw-up incident. But all things considered it was a successful car trip. We had tonz of fun at Disney Land and Disney California. The kids were great, I don't think it could have gone much better. We spent 2 days in the parks and were very exhausted when it was all over. We are not typically the type of people to do anything this big without lots of planning, but it all worked out so well maybe we will have to do more impromptu trips.
We waited in line while the boys rode on a roller coaster near by.
We had an amazing time, it was definitely a trip that we will all remember for a long time, thanks to Ben and his sudden bout of spontaneity.