Thursday, May 21, 2009

Embrace your inner flake

For the last couple of years I have had an internal battle that sounds something like this:

Self #1 (Flake): I really want to do X (go back to college, start my own photography business, submit a photo in a contest, write an article for a publication, etc.)

Self #2 (Control freak): First of all you will not be good at X, and second what will people think? I'll tell you what they will think, they will think you are a flake. You have already tried Y (scrap booking, guitar, drawing, writing, college the first time a round, photography etc.) and we all know how smashingly those endeavors have worked out for you. Now you want to put more time, money, sweat and love into a hobby that wont last.

Self #1: Yes I do, and I am going to.

Self #2: Fine, but it is going to be a disaster.


Self #1: Maybe you are right, it is too hard to be a mom, do all of the things I have to do and have a consuming hobby/interest. I feel horribly guilty about the time away from my kids and the other household duties that have suffered. Plus what if I totally fail?

Self #2: Well you are right you are a horrible mother, housekeeper, wife and you really weren't any good at X anyway. Stop now before anyone else notices, and just keep faking the other stuff.

Self #1: Did I say horrible mother, housekeeper and wife? that true? It must be. Oh no, I have already failed.

You get the idea, this is an endless conversation, but I am sure you can see where this is going.

So when ever I get a crazy idea I have started repressing the urge to try something new. Because I have started thinking that Self #2 is right. I have realized however that all of these hobbies, interest, whims what ever you would like to call them are the very things that make me interesting. I love to try new things. So what if I never become a famous photographer or writer. So what if I am tone def and playing the guitar was never in the cards for me. So what if I have numberless unfinished scrapbooks, craft projects and book ideas. So what if it is taking me longer to finish college. So what if I entered a photo in a contest and didn't win.

If I didn't try new things I could not stun my kids by telling them I played the drums in a marching band, played golf and basketball in HS and was in a musical. For about half a second Lillie thought I was cool when I told her about the drums.

From now on I am embracing my inner flake. I have been thinking it would be fun to start playing the drums again, or take a creative writing class, or sell prints of the temple on-line, or the list is endless really. And I may do all of them or none of them that is what being a flake is all about...

And there is always room for more flakes if you would like to join me.


Unknown said...

I've told you this before, but it is all of these different hobbies that come and go that make you so interesting and fun to be married to. I don't think it has anything to do with being a "flake"; it is just a constant quest to find new talents and ways to spend your time. I love your many many many attempts at new things and I hope there are many more ahead.

Claudia said...

You are so totally not a flake! Good for you for having enthusiasm to live life and try new things!

jilliebean said...

Flake #2 reporting for duty!

Crystal said...

I do the same thing. Battle with my inner self. If you don't try something new how will you ever know what you like and don't like. You also are an amazing housekeeper, mom and wife. I wish I was as "flaky" as you.

Amy said...

I love that you like trying new things. It keeps life and you interesting. And you always seem to keep the kids/house/church/etc. things in perspective too.

Shannon said...

I wouldn't call you a flake at all. I think the title should be more like adventurous. It's great that you try new things all the time. I think trying new things, whether succeesful or failed, build character.