Thursday, April 9, 2009

Who knew?

This afternoon I had horrible heartburn. I don't usually get heartburn except when I am pregnant...before my brothers and father-in-law have a chance to say it, no I am not pregnant! Anyway it was quite bad. So I tried water, then something small to eat, then milk, begrudgingly pepto and finally bread (not one right after the other, there was time in between each attempt). Nothing helped and some things even seemed to aggravate it. Finally in desperation I went to Google. The first home remedy was a spoonful of ice cream. Well you don't have to tell me twice when it comes to ice cream. One (ok, ok two) spoonfuls later the heartburn was dramatically decreased and within less than 5 minutes I was feeling much much better. Now I have a legitimate medicinal reason to have ice cream regularly. I was eating it regularly anyway, but now I have's for my health! Can't argue with that right. So eat up it really is good for you! AWESOME!


Just me said...

Well I knew you would find a good reason to eat ice cream. Now we have it.

Spaces for Faces said...

Love it!

Shannon said...

Yes, ice cream for medicinal purposes...I think I have heartburn too.

Amy said...

I swear it really does help! I've been having heartburn lately and ice cream always calms my stomach.

Kristin said...

I will definitely have to try that next time before I take a pill! You don't have push me much to eat ice cream