Like always there is a lot going on around here. So here is the quick rundown. Last weekend Ben's parents invited us to join them in St. George for a little get away. It was so very fun and too short. We swam, hiked, played and enjoyed the beautiful weather. I love St. George! Here are a few highlights...
We had a great time and took a ton of pictures (shocker) I am hoping to make a slide show soon but that will have to wait until after I get back from Colorado. I am going to my cousin's wedding in Denver and really should be getting ready...oh well.
Now onto our other fun news of the month. Joseph had his first piano recital this week. He was so cute. He was nervous but did a great job, even though he had to go first. He played two songs he has been practicing with his teacher and one original composition. This kid is amazing and I am so glad he has finally found something that he loves and that he is really good at. I love hearing him play.
So the not so fun part of this post is that I spent yesterday getting blood tests and xrays. We wont know anything until next week but it seems that the problems I have been having with my thumb and feet may be Rheumatoid Arthritis or Gout...two fun choices huh. I don't know that the really it of this has set in yet. I have been living with it for so long now, that until the symptoms get worse nothing will change. But when things do change it could be pretty bad. My Dr. was quite candid when he told me that if it is arthritis and if there is already joint damage at my young age it is bad. Although I really want to know what is going on I am not happy with my options at this point. So we will see what the next week brings and go from there.