Monday, January 21, 2008

Another week, another blog...

Well this week has been fairly uneventful due to sick kids. Lillie missed a whole week of school, because of a nasty cold, which she is still getting over. Van started to get sick in the middle of the week and is still sounding pretty yucky. We thought that Joseph had gotten lucky and voided "the sickness" but the last couple of days he has complained of feeling sick. So there we are the joys of motherhood.

Joseph started scouts 2 weeks ago, which has been really fun for him. I have never been a big scouting fan and was not all that excited about the idea of having a scout, but I have to admit that Joseph's excitement has rubbed off on me. I have little idea of what to expect as the mother of a cub scout but if Joseph enjoys it then I am willing to go along for the ride. The day we got his shirt he was so excited he wore it the whole day, even though it was not a scout day.

I started my photography class this semester and had my first day in the dark room last week. I am really excited to be in this class and hope that it will help me to decide for sure if photography is the way I want to go.

Like most people we were looking forward to a fun family day today (Monday, MLK Day) instead we woke up to a lot of snow that has steadily grown to about 14" So our fun family day has had to be inside.

Well that is about it for this week. Between sick kids and lots of snow we have had a lot of days inside. I wish I had something more interesting to write but that's life. Especially in Utha in the winter, lots of snow and lots of colds!


Claudia said...

Bummer about the snow! Hope you can bundle up and build a snowman - it will be summer before you know it!