Monday, July 20, 2009

The saga continues...

You may remember this:

Well let me tell you part two. Van recently graduated to a big boy bed. A few nights ago we were playing games with Ben's parents and of course Van was not going to bed as well as we would have liked. But he was staying in his room so we just kind of ignored it and let him play in there. As Ben's parents were leaving they decided to say good night to Van. Well this is what we found upon arrival:

He had meticulously smeared Desitin all over his body. He didn't just half heartedly smear some here and there. Oh No, he made sure ever inch of exposed skin was covered...and evenly so. I think if we would have come in just a few minutes later he would have had his whole face covered. Notice how the Desitin goes right up to his lips but not actually on them, now that is commitment. I was oddly proud of him for doing such a thorough job. If you are going to do something do it right, right. Well, needless to say the clean up was a nightmare. Not only had he covered his body and his hair he also shared the love with the carpet, his blanket, a hat and some toys. All of which still carry a very distict Desitin odor...including the kid! The weirdest part is we don't even use Desitin, my brother left it here when he was visiting...thanks Kirk. I will get you back! I have heard Vaseline is a pain to clean up.


Kristin said...

Oh my gosh! That is seriously hysterical!!! I'm sure it's not funny to you guys yet, but I am dying laughing over here. He did do a good job with the coverage. I can't believe he didn't get any in his eyes or mouth.

Just me said...

Wow life is good, when your grandkids are so well behaved oh, or they behave like their parents did. This is so funny!

Tiff said...

Oh, no! Desitin IS a pain to clean up, especially on carpet. We had to use the carpet cleaner (if you need to borrow one, let us know).

Shannon said...

Yikes! What a headache to clean up. You are right, though. He sure is thorough. My old neighbor had a similar experience...only the smearing was of poo. I guess I'd rather take the desitin over that.